My cast

For about 3 months my feet have been hurting a lot.  We weren’t sure why until about three weeks ago the doctor told us.  I have a disease in my right foot and we’re still not sure why my left foot hurts.

On Wednesday I got a cast for my foot.  I always went to physio twice a week, but it didn’t make my foot any better.  So on Wednesday I went to see the doctor.  The doctor said that I should get a cast for my right foot, not my left foot.  So then I tried a cast on and it fit which I took it home.  The cast I have right now isn’t the cast that will keep. I only got it because they had to order a cast for me.  Since I got an air cast, whenever it loses a lot of air I have to go to the physio place to get it pumped up.  When I wear the cast I have to wear a sock on my right foot and on my left foot I should wear my shoe so the difference in height between my legs isn’t as big as it would’ve been if I went barefoot.  So far the cast has helped my right foot, but my left is getting worse, so I might end up getting a cast for my left foot too.


Update: I did get another cast for my left foot.


3 responses to “My cast

  1. This is a bummer for your holiday and sports. Hopefully it’s only temporary . It also makes you more sympathetic to those who have disabilities and can’t be active . But You can still play cards and mind games ! Poppa

  2. Darian, I just read this after I had already talked to you tonight when you were at your Nanna and Poppa’s. Otherwise I would have asked you more about it.
    What a nuisance for you. Do you have to wear the casts all the time? Even when you sleep? Have your feet stopped hurting now??

    Aunt Carolyn

    • I don’t have to wear the cast’s all the time, I just have to wear them when I walk around. My feet still hurt but they have gotten a little better.

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