Ant man

On Sunday my family and I went to see the movie Ant Man.  It was a funny movie.  It was cool how he could shrink with the suit on.  The battles in it were funny because he was the size of an ant so anything that could happen to an ant could also happen to him.  The best battle was in the girl’s room because there were lots of toys that were ant size or a little bit bigger.  It was really funny when the villain got hit by the toy train and all it did was derail. Overall I would rate this movie a 10 out 10.


On Wednesday my family and I went to the movie theater.  My mom and dad went to see terminator and my brother and I went to see Inside-Out.  It was a really good movie, I would give it a 4 out of 5 or a 8.5 out of 10.  The movie made sense about how there were emotions in people’s heads that controlled you.  It told you how people would feel if they lost an emotion.  It was a really cool movie.  I was really looking forward to watching Inside-Out since it came out.  Since we were not with our parents we had to but our own things.  So my brother and I got a child’s night out, which comes with the popcorn in the box and a pop.  With that we both had a medium popcorn and my brother bought another pop.  We weren’t even close to finishing our medium sized bags of popcorn so we brought it home for leftovers.  Overall the movie was amazing.

My snow day

On Monday I had a snow day.  I was so happy.  When I was in bed and I woke up I was just thinking “mom please don’t come.” I said mom not dad because my dad gets up much earlier than everyone else and is gone.  Which she didn’t.  I got up around 7:30 and started playing my iPod.  I played it until my brother came upstairs.  Then we battled with real Lego. What happens is that DSC09173we recreate a Star Wars scene and play it.  We play with     mini-figures and ships.  After that my brother and I went outside and sledded on one of the small hills in our backyard.  Then we played a paper football game that I created, for a while.  Next my dad and mom drove us to the big hill where my brother and I went sledding.  We were sledding for an hour until we had to leave.  That was the first time my brother and I went sledding this winter.  It was the best time of my day.  That was my best day for a long time. 🙂



Christmas Break

I am so happy that it’s finally Christmas break.  I will get to spend time with my family.  I can’t wait until Christmas, when I unwrap all of my presents, it will be awesome.  this years New Years I’m going to stay up until 12:00.  On my holiday I have 2 hockey games this Saturday and Sunday.  I also have a hockey tournament on the last three days of break.  Other than that I will be at home with my family.

Some of the things I want for Christmas are:

  • Scorpion Mountain Brother Band Chronicles
  • Itunes gift card
  • Super Smash Bros. 2
  • Cars 2
  • Chocolate covered almonds
  • Star Wars Lego
  • Chima Lego
  • Smoked house almonds
  • NHL 15